Shortcuts are provided because to speedup the process you want to do quickly. In this article we are going to tell the most needed and common VLC Player shortcuts which will help you to do settings in VLC faster if you are on server.
Space Bar: Play/Pause. This is the easiest way to pause/play a video while it’s running, or to resume a video that’s paused. This shortcut also works in many other video players also.
F Key: Toggle full-screen mode. If VLC is in full-screen mode, you can press F again or just press Esc to go back to windowed mode. You can also double-click the VLC playback window to enter or leave full-screen mode.
N Key: Next track in playlist (If any).
P Key: Previous track in playlist.
Ctrl + Up or Down arrow: Increase or decrease volume. This will change VLC’s volume slider, not the system-wide volume. You can also increase or decrease the volume by rolling your mouse’s scroll wheel up or down.
M Key: This key is used to mute the sound on vlc player.
T Key: Displays the time remaining in the media file and the time elapsed. This information will only appear for a second or two. When watching a video in full screen mode, it’s a quick way to see how much longer you have left in the video.
Shift + Left or Right arrow: Jump 3 seconds back or forward
Ctrl + Left or Right arrow: Jump 1 minute back or forward
Ctrl + Alt + Left or Right arrow: Jump 5 minute back or forward
Alt + Left or Right arrow: Jump 10 seconds back or forward
Ctrl + T : Go to a specific time in the file. You can type the time in with your number keys and press Enter to go there without using the mouse.
V Key: Toggles subtitles on or off (If any).
B Key: This key is very useful when a video file is having 2 or more audio tracks in it, you can easily switch one from another.
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