Changing Admin password in a server are very common and necessary these days, many of us changes password in 2-3 months so that they can secure their accounts or say server from other peoples. If you need to change your vps server administrator password you can do so by following the steps below.
To change the Administrator password in VPS Windows Server 2008
1 Log on to the computer using the Administrator account (via RDP).
2 Click Start, click Control Panel, and then double-click User Accounts.
3 In User Accounts, click Change your password.
4 In Change your password, in Current Password, type your password.
5 In New password, type a new password.
6 In Confirm new password, retype the password.
7 Click Change password.
Note : New Password should be Alphanumeric and should contain atleast one special character.
Example : D@vid$123
If you are still having difficulty in following the above steps then you can watch our video tutorial also given below !
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